hello... operator???

it turns out that i can't think of anything to blog about other than the milton bradley game OPERATION. as i write that, i realize that my blog title for this entry says operator... not quite the same word. close enough. operator: def. one who operates. like i said... close enough. anyways, the other week, me and my friend whitney (the "whitters") decided to play my OPERATION game which was left behind by the previous tenants of my apartment. this was the FIRST time where i actually played the game- money, cards, rules and all. can i just protest and say that i think they have made that game HARDER. i don't know if it's bigger tweezers, or a smaller space to pick up the piece, but it's harder. i know my hands are more steady now than when i was 8 years old. maybe my fingers are fatter... but that shouldn't be a factor. i think they also made the pieces more difficult to pick up - more specifically the charlie horse. impossible to grab. it took half an hour for one of us to get that llama looking thing outta there. there's my rant and rave for tonight. i need to leave work. i'm getting delirious...
by the way... the operation patient's name is SAM.
another by the way... i won the game.

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