that's total bull. no, really. it is...
'tis the season for company christmas parties! friday night, i looked out of our office window and saw a "the office" tv show type party. the whole works ranging from a poorly decorated christmas tree all the way to a general array of snackens (cookies, pretzels, chips and dip). yes, there are many things i despise about my company, but the one good thing (besides the awesome people that i work with) we do right is partying. two major ones: (#1) summer party (#2) christmas party. so much, that that's how i make my quitting proclaimations. "i'm quitting after this year's summer party." "this is my last christmas party, mark my words." never have i been able to make these true statements, as i am still with the same company, ,and will have been with them for 2 years in january. wow. anyways, this year, we rented out SLATE. it's a really nice, hip, swanky, up-scale billiard hall/lounge/bar. not only did they have pool (me and my pool partner got into the semi-finals in the tourney) but they also had a MECHANICAL BULL. i have always wanted to ride one, but didn't not want the whole handful of consequences that came with it. typically, you see those girls who are lookin for a nice handsome burly guy at a bar jump on those. it's to get the attention of the male eye. i was able to ride the bull without any of that. am i remotely interested in the people i work with? no. we all know this... we're all chummy and friend-esque. viola! freedom. i rode, to be fun, stupid, and crazy. people already know me at work for that. here i am.

apparently it gets progressively more "rowdy" the longer you're on it. some kid got thrown off really bad. didn't look cool at all... probably when he got up and exited, he was expecting high-fives and hoots and cheers. instead, he was bombarded with "oh gosh, are you ok?!?!" luckily for me, i had a heart to heart with the bull before we started. he agreed to toss me off gently but still making it look like i'm a stud. all i had to do was scratch behind his ear and make sure his bell was double knotted. that's some quality bull.
uh gee thanks! there's no gentle way to get off the bull when its "rowdy"!
nice pants
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