i should have a samurai sword shouldn't i...?
so today at the office, i set up this "game"/interactive and creative presentation in the front office of where i work. perhaps you have been a part of the "create your own southpark" character phenomenon that has been sweeping the offices of america. yesterday afternoon, my boy tilson sent me a link of the southpark studio. ( mel and i created EVERYONE in our company, printed them out, and taped them up on a wall in the FO area. along with the pics was a name bank. we chose outfits, props and physical characteristics to match each person.

even the people who are self-proclaimed potheads and drinkers were given joints and beer respectively. (it's weird how some people brag about doing these things, but when they see it on paper, they're offended. odd... luckily one of the boss men [which i put screaming, with alcoholic beverages in his hands and his classic 'hangover sunglasses'] got a kick out of his. as i was making it, i was thinking "either he's gonna die laughing and loving this" OR "i'm going to be out of work within the next 24 hours") praise the Lord i still have a job. anyways. here's me.

meliss made this of me. the other two asians that work at the company both have samurai swords, but i don't have one. maybe that's why i look like a punky pocahontas or a rebel indian princess. also, you may ask "why the lime green eye blinding background color?" good question. i ask the same question when i step into my office and see the same color walls surrounding me. enjoy... make a self-portrait or a portrait of someone else (possibly me), and send it to me. it'll be fun! HOLLA!