Friday, November 04, 2005

wild night in nyc...


HA. if you knew me and what's goin on in my life right now... you could see straight through my subject title. i am currently still at work. it has been a painful 2 months where i have been working 'til at least 11pm everynight. the mere thought of a 9-5 job is like the thought of the lochness monster hooking up with big foot. unreal. imaginary. and how does that work? anyways, in some down time, i bought a wedding gift for my boss' wedding for this saturday. it stinks cause one of the few things i could afford off the registries that was still needed(michael c. fina,, and william & sonoma) is the most awkward and painful looking gift. (refer to image above) THAT my friends... is a reversible meat pounder. it looks like many different things, i'll leave that up to your imagination and your culinary abilities. the point is... i look like an absolute freak getting this for them for their wedding. "God Bless you in your lives together- and enjoy this meat pounder". A-W-K-W-A-R-D. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

hello... operator???


it turns out that i can't think of anything to blog about other than the milton bradley game OPERATION. as i write that, i realize that my blog title for this entry says operator... not quite the same word. close enough. operator: def. one who operates. like i said... close enough. anyways, the other week, me and my friend whitney (the "whitters") decided to play my OPERATION game which was left behind by the previous tenants of my apartment. this was the FIRST time where i actually played the game- money, cards, rules and all. can i just protest and say that i think they have made that game HARDER. i don't know if it's bigger tweezers, or a smaller space to pick up the piece, but it's harder. i know my hands are more steady now than when i was 8 years old. maybe my fingers are fatter... but that shouldn't be a factor. i think they also made the pieces more difficult to pick up - more specifically the charlie horse. impossible to grab. it took half an hour for one of us to get that llama looking thing outta there. there's my rant and rave for tonight. i need to leave work. i'm getting delirious...

by the way... the operation patient's name is SAM.

another by the way... i won the game. 
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Monday, October 31, 2005

don't phunk with my heart


so it was halloween weekend... kinda. today(monday) is actually halloween, and as a direct result, friday, saturday and sunday were halloween as well. 4 days of costumes is a little too much in new york- too many freaky things rompin around the streets late at night. it's fun though to see people dressed up - not so much the girls. mean girls the movie was completely right... halloween is a night where girls generally just hooch it out and it's "ok". the majority of costumes are completely suggestive everything ranging from "the mile high captain" to the "sexy barista server" (starbucks server). both have no covering of "the girls" or the 'boose (caboose). it's way too cold to be shuffling around in that. i guess that keeps me from spending $55 bucks on a costume. i bet you're wondering... what does a girl like me do for a costume if she doesn't want to be a "hooker pirate"? i make my own... at the last second. i was a black-eyed pea. band member and letter. (refer to picture above). letter 'P' on my shirt, a black eye, dressed like Fergie from BEP. let me know if you need me to explain further it to you, put some effort into it. Posted by Picasa