wild night in nyc...

HA. if you knew me and what's goin on in my life right now... you could see straight through my subject title. i am currently still at work. it has been a painful 2 months where i have been working 'til at least 11pm everynight. the mere thought of a 9-5 job is like the thought of the lochness monster hooking up with big foot. unreal. imaginary. and how does that work? anyways, in some down time, i bought a wedding gift for my boss' wedding for this saturday. it stinks cause one of the few things i could afford off the registries that was still needed(michael c. fina, amazon.com, and william & sonoma) is the most awkward and painful looking gift. (refer to image above) THAT my friends... is a reversible meat pounder. it looks like many different things, i'll leave that up to your imagination and your culinary abilities. the point is... i look like an absolute freak getting this for them for their wedding. "God Bless you in your lives together- and enjoy this meat pounder". A-W-K-W-A-R-D.